Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Switch it Up!

It's been a while since I've updated this blog because I'm a big dummy.

Anyway, I wanna talk about the importance of changing up what you do for both weight loss, and weightlifting.

As I've mentioned before, I first started dieting using low carb, and while that worked for a while, it eventually stopped giving me the results I wanted, so I switched to intermittent fasting, which works very well for me. However, I still have to switch up how I diet from time to time, although I generally stay within the parameters of IF. For instance: When I started IF, I used a 12:00pm - 4:00pm eating window, and I trained at some point within that window, after I'd eaten my first meal of the day. I got a lot of good results with that, but now recently I've had to change it up in order to keep getting results. Now I generally use a 2:00pm - 8:00pm  window, and I usually train at around 12:00pm, on a fasted stomach.

So what's the point? If you do the same thing for too long, your body adjusts to it, and will become stagnant; you'll stop making progress. When you introduce a new way of doing things to it, it's acts as a bit of a shock to your system, and you begin to make progress again.

The same thing applies to weightlifting. For a long time now, I've been a big fan of hardcore Powerlifting parameters - a bunch of sets of 1-3 reps, and while I've made some great strength gains with that, my progress has slowed down. So, I have to change things up with a variety of different variables which include Pause Reps, Negatives, and Varied Grip width for the bench, and plenty of high-rep drop sets. Same thing for the Deadlift. When I stopped adding pounds to my DL, I started doing Deficit Lifts, Rack Pulls, and Hang Cleans to mix things up, and now my numbers are on the rise again.

tl;dr, Don't do the same thing for too long.