Thursday, January 23, 2014

Stance/Form Cycling for GAINS

It's generally a good idea to switch up your positioning for lifts from time to time, for instance, if you normally do the conventional deadlift, switch to sumo for a month or two, or just switch to a narrower foot stance.

Why? In my experience, when I stick with a particular form like wide grip bench pressing, after a while it seems like my muscles become too comfortable in that position. If I bring my grip width in a bit, it forces my muscles to fire in a slightly different manner, and often times I end up feeling stronger with it.

How? I generally stick with a particular form with my main work sets for about 2-3 months, then switch it up. Every time I've done so I feel stronger.

That's it, just a quick tip that's worked well for me.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year Nonsense

My plans for this year are as follows:

January-March: Keep BW under 210, workout with Body Building parameters.

April-August: Cut down to 190, workout with Powerlifting Parameters.

September-December: Hybrid workouts, Powerlifting+Bodybuilding+Plyometrics, stay under BW of 200.

Weightlifting Goals:

500lb Deadlift by the end of the year.

300lb Bench Press by the end of the year.

That's it. Not everything has to be super complicated. I'll update this blog with my dieting methods, and progress as it comes.