Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Intermittent Faaaaaasting

Earlier this year, after getting burnt out on Low Carb dieting, I decided to give intermittent fasting a go....It's wonderful. It allows you to eat somewhat more liberally, while still maintaining steady results; there's a reason so many people swear by it. It just works.

How does it work? Basically, fat loss comes down to using stored energy in your body. During the fasting portion of your day, your body doesn't have a choice but to use up fat for energy, it has to run on something.
So why not just stop eating until you're skinny? Because you'll screw up your body in a major way, and the results will actually be SLOWER than if you had eaten a reasonable diet in the same amount of time.
How the hell does that work? When you deprive your body of outside sources of energy for too long, it goes into 'survival mode' where it holds on to as much fat as it can, so you can go longer without food, without dying. Other results of this include an extreme decrease in energy, because your body is rationing it's activity, and you'll be really freaking hungry all the time.
How does intermittent fasting fix this? Because you're still giving your body food in your eating window, your body doesn't go into survival mode, and because of this, it doesn't hesitate to let go of any excess fat during the fasting portion of your day.

 Pro Tip: Drink a ridiculous amount of water during the fasting part of your day, it'll help your body process more fat during that period. (you should drink tons of water all the time, but specifically a lot during this time)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Drink your water, children.

Something I think a lot of people tend to overlook is the necessity to be drinking a ridiculous amount of water when trying to lose weight (or anytime, for that matter). It is certainly possible to lose weight without drinking lots of water, but it's not very efficient, and can seriously hold back your results. Honestly, there are lots of overweight people who could actually start losing weight JUST by drinking more water, even if their diet stayed the same (but of course that would only go so far).

Why, and how? Water is the vessel through which your body expels processed fat. When you drink lots of soda, or juice, your body is getting rid of the excess nonsense in the drink instead of getting rid of the excess nonsense in your body. By simply drinking lots of water, you're giving your body an empty vessel that it can expel fat through.

tl;dr, drink a bunch of water, you'll lose weight faster.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Getting Started

Welcome to my blog.

First things first, I don't claim to be the biggest, or strongest, the purpose of this blog is to document my progress, and share some of the odd things I'm doing for weightloss and strength gains that could potentially be beneficial to other people trying to lose weight, or get stronger.

Second things second, here are some questions you might have about this blog, and my answers.

What's different about me? I don't follow the same routines most people do for fitness. I don't count calories, and I don't count macros, and I've had great success losing weight and gaining muscle. My philosophy is based off of strength training being the cornerstone to weight loss and fitness; basically, I believe heavy weightlifting should be a higher priority than a strict diet for fat loss. The reason I think this way is because of my experience. I know from the past -and I still do this from time to time- that I can eat garbage, but still lose weight if I hit the gym hard that day.

Why should you listen to me? My track record. In 2011 I weighed 250lbs, I could bench press 155, and deadlift 215, and at that point I never really did squats. Now I weigh 205lbs, I can bench press 235, Deadlift 405, and Squat 385. I know that's not a lot of progress to make over almost 3 years, but keep in mind I really didn't know what the hell I was doing until late 2012, early 2013.

I'll be updating this blog multiple times a week, talking about my current fitness goals and my progress towards them, as well as odd subjects like losing weight while eating a bunch of icecream.